5 Different Types of Law and What They Cover

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Law is a field that has many different practice areas and specializations. Each one requires a different set of knowledge, with a general knowledge of the legal system and the way it functions in the US necessary for all. Certain areas even require specific types of law degrees in order to be certified.

In short, the legal system is an idiosyncratic and opaque place with many branches you may not even have heard of. Some are archaic, some are more modern, and all are endlessly interesting. This article will run through five of the different types of law out there and go over what they cover—read on to find out more.

Immigration Law

In immigration law, attorneys are generally working with those going through the naturalization process, asylum seekers, and illegal aliens. This type of law is based a great deal on any international treaties or bilateral agreements a country might have. As such, it’s highly individualized from country to country and requires in-depth knowledge of a country’s constitution, relationships with other countries, and immigration policies.

Environmental Law

Environmental law is an area of the law that focuses on environmental issues such as pollution, land disputes, and energy source management. Many of the lawyers who are in this field represent advocacy organizations, though some represent government agencies, as well. This type of law requires practitioners to have knowledge of state, federal, and even in some cases international law.

Personal Injury Law

This type of law deals with people who have suffered physical or psychological harm and helping them to seek compensation. People who choose this path may become a work injury lawyer, medical malpractice attorney, or choose to specialize in another area. Practitioners of personal injury law must have a strong knowledge of torts law.

Criminal Law

Criminal law is perhaps the most well-known area of law practice. It involves either prosecuting or defending those who are deemed to have committed acts that go against the criminal code. It is lawyers in this area of the legal system that can become District Attorneys or public defenders.

Real Estate Law

Experts in real estate law deal with a range of different issues, from landlord disputes to land ownership. Real estate lawyers sometimes work for the government, or they may spend their days reviewing contracts or facilitating real estate transactions. This type of lawyer often needs an in-depth knowledge of state law, as this is the type of law that generally matters most in real-estate-related disputes.

Different Types of Law and What They Cover

The field of law is an intriguing area of study with many different facets and intricacies to explore. No matter what your area of particular interest is, you’ll find one of the different types of law that will suit you. If you’ve enjoyed this article, feel free to take a look at some of our other tips and takes on law and the legal profession.

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