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Should I File A Personal Injury Claim if I Have Whiplash?

Should I File A Personal Injury Claim if I Have Whiplash?

The best way to determine if you have a claim worth pursuing is to contact a Surrey lawyer. An experienced lawyer will be able to look through your documentation and determine if you should file a claim. Even the most minor accident can have the most devastating injuries. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in a car accident. It happens when your head snaps back and forth in a rapid motion as a result of force.

A large number of drivers receive these types of injures every year during car accidents. Your neck is not the only body part that may be injured. You could have ligaments that are torn, discs that are damaged, and fractures to your vertebrae, as well as permanent nerve damage. The symptoms of whiplash may appear right away or it may take weeks.

Some of the symptoms of whiplash that you can expect are neck pain and stiffness that gets worse when you move it. You may have a decreased range of motion in your head and arms, as well as your neck. You may get headaches and feel dizzy and tired. You may have numbness and tingling in your hands. You can experience more severe symptoms such as problems sleeping, ringing in your ears, blurry vision, concentration and memory problems, and depression and anxiety.

If you are considering filing a personal injury claim for whiplash sustained in an accident, you will need some documentation. You must have medical records about your injury. It is important that you seek medical attention immediately after your accident. You want all the medical records from any treatment, including emergency care, the hospital, or your doctor. Your records should be complete with any tests, treatments, medication, and follow up. You should have copies of all of your bills, including medications.

You must also have detailed information and statements from all medical providers you have seen about your condition. Included in these statements should be your prognosis. If you have permanent damage, your records must state that. Your doctors should be clear about the treatment you will need in the future. If you want to be compensated for your injuries, the documents must be clear about the extent of them, and all the treatment you will need.

personal injury lawyer can look through your documents and determine if you should proceed with your settlement. They can also determine how much of a settlement you should receive even before you file your claim. 

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